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单词 travel
travel/′trævl/ v [-ll-,AmE -l-]; n

v (1) 1)旅行,游历(go from place to place;make a journey or voyage)[II+prepI+advI+n/prep]:He has~ed a great deal. 他游历甚广。go~ing 去旅行;~all over the country/the world 游遍全国/世界;~through Mexico/around the world/around interesting places 游遍墨西哥/全世界/有意思的地方;~over by car 驱车到处游览;~(for) a month 旅行一月; ~light 轻装旅行;2)旅行(一定距离);(在某地区)旅行(pass through or overas a country or road)[T+nT+n+prep]:~the country on foot 徒步游历全国;~this road many times/the whole world in one's life 这条路走了好几次/一生中游遍世界各地;~thirty miles to work/a long way to school 上班走30英里/到学校要走很长一段路;~Europe from London to Athens 从伦敦到雅典走遍欧洲;〖同〗 journey,tour;〖反〗stay,remain,settle;

(2) 1)行进,移动(gomove)[II+prepI+adv]:Light~s in a straight line. 光直线传播。Sounds~s slower than light. 声音比光速度慢。News~s fast. 消息传得很快。A small ball~s gently across the desk. 小球在桌面上轻轻地滚动。(sb's mind/thoughts)~back to his youth/over the recent events (fig) (某人的思绪/思想)回到其青年时代/回顾近来发生的一些事件; 2)迅速行进(move swiftly)[I](infml):The car was certainly~ling. 那辆车确实开得非常快。〖同〗move,proceed,go;

(3)外出推销,到处兜售(go from place to place as a representative of a business firm)[I+prep(in)(for)]:~in cotton goods/office stationery/furniture 外出推销棉制品/办公用品/家具;~for a firm of jewellers 为一家珠宝商巡回推销商品;~in vacuum cleaners for a big firm 为一家大公司外出推销吸尘器;

→′travel(l)ed adj(人)游历广的;富于旅行经验的;(道路)旅行者使用的;′travel(l)er n 旅客;旅行推销员;吉卜赛人;浪迹天涯者;′travel(l)ing adj 旅行的;

n (1)旅行,游历(act or process of travelling)[U]:afford the cost of/be fond of~承担得起旅行费用/喜欢旅行;foreign/rail/air~国外/乘火车/乘飞机旅行;~in the mountains 在群山里的旅行;a~book/agent/agency 旅行笔记/旅游代理商/旅行社;〖同〗journey,voyage;

(2)旅行,(尤指)国外旅行(visiting of placesesp foreign countriesetc)[pl]: on/during one's~s 旅行途中;read a book/an account of~s 读游记/游记;set out on/come home from one's~s 出发去旅行/旅行结束回到家里;

→′travelog(ue) n 旅游记录片(或演讲);′travel-sick adj 晕车(船)的;′travel-sickness n 晕车(船);

【辨异】travel excursionjourneytriptourvoyage的区别见EXCURSION。





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