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单词 金鼓齐鸣

金鼓齐鸣jīn gǔ qí míng

all the gongs and drums are beating; there arises the sound of gongs and drums
❍ 走不到百十步,只见四下里~,喊声震地,一望都是火把。(《水浒全传》755) They had marched less than a hundred paces when on every side gongs crashed and drums pounded. Resounding yells shook the ground.Torches everywhere sprang to light.

金鼓齐鸣jin gu qi ming

all the gongs and drums are beating—prelude to intense and fierce fighting

金鼓齐鸣jīn ɡǔ qí mǐnɡ

金鼓:指古代作战时用来激励士气、发号令的金钲和战鼓。比喻战斗激烈,士气激昂。all the gongs and drums are beating, the sound of gongs and drums, there is a great noise of drums and gongs





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