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单词 misery
释义 misery /'mizan; 'mizan/ n (pl -ries) 1 [U] state of being miserable; great suffering (of mind or body): 悲惨; 不幸; (心灵或身体上的)痛苦: be in a ~ /suffer ~ from the toothache; 受牙 ■ 痛之苦; living in ~ and want, in wretched conditions and poverty. 生活在贫穷困苦之中。 the animal out of its ~, end its sufferings by killing it, 解除动物的痛苦(杀死它以结束其痛苦)。 2 (pl) painful happenings; great misfortunes: (复)痛苦的事; 大不幸: the miseries of mankind, g 类的夫不聿。 3 (colloq) person who is always miserable and complaining: (俗)总是不高兴而施怨的人: I've had enough of your complaints, you little ~! 我已经听瞥了. 你的抱怨,你这个小唠叨鬼!




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