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单词 金碧辉煌

金碧辉煌jīn bì huī huáng

glitter with gold and jade (/emerald); golden glitter; look splendid in green and gold; resplendent and magnificent.
❍ 贾芸听见是宝玉的声音,连忙进入房内,抬头一看,只见~,文章闪烁,却看不见宝玉在那里。(《红楼梦》304) ❶Recognizing Baoyu’s voice Jia Yun hurried in . He was dazzled by the glittering gold and emerald and the elegance of all the furnishings,but could see no sign of Baoyu.
❷Jia Yun recognized the voice as Baoyu’s and hurried up the steps inside. He looked a bout him ,dazzled by the brilliance of gold and semi-precious inlay-work and the richness of the ornaments and furnishings,but unable to see Baoyu in the midst of it all.
❍ 银幕上又出现了~的喇嘛寺庙和肥头大耳的喇嘛。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》114) A big Lama temple glittering with gold and jade was seen next,and well fed lamas.
❍ 又走到山顶上,望着城内万家烟火,那长江如一条白练,琉璃塔~,照人眼目。(《儒林外史》291) Then they climbed to the hill top,and gazed at the smoke from the thousands of houses in the city,the Yangtse River like a white silk girdle,and the golden glitter of the glazed pagoda.

金碧辉煌jin bi hui huang

resplendent and magnificent

金碧辉煌jīn bì huī huánɡ

金碧:指国画中的泥金、石青和石绿。形容建筑物装饰华丽、光彩耀人。replendent and magnificent, with gold and jade, splendid





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