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单词 量力而行

量力而行量力而为liàng lì ér xíng

act according to one’s capabilities; do in accordance with one’s resources; do what one is capable of; do what one’s strength allows
❍ 他缺乏自知之明,不肯~。He lacked self-knowledge and refused to act according to his ability.
❍ 君子曰: “随之见伐,不量力也。量力而动,其过鲜矣。” (《左传·僖二十年》) The superior man may say that Sui suffered this invasion,because it had not measured its strength. The errors of those who move only after they have measured their strength are few.
❍ 许无刑而伐之,服而舍之,度德而处之,~,相时而动,无累后人,可谓知礼矣。(《左传·隐十一年》)Because Xu transgressed the law,the earl punished it,and on its submission he left. His arrangement of affairs was according to his measurement of his virtue;his action proceeded on the estimate of his strength; his movements were according to the exigency of the times:—so as not to embarrass those who should follow him. He may be pronounced one who knew propriety.


work within (or act according to)one’s capabilities; do what one is capable of;refrain from taking on more than one can handle
~,尽力而为 to the best of one’s modest capacity

量力而行liànɡ lì ér xínɡ

按照自己力量的大小去行事。act according to one’s capability, A man can do no more than he can., undertake what is within one’s own capability





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更新时间:2025/1/19 20:29:40