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单词 transfer
transfer/træns′fɜ:(r) / v [-rr-;-ing /rɪ ŋ/]; n

v (1)迁(调)往,转移(move or shift sb/sth from one place to another)[T+nT+n+prep (from) (to)]:He has~red the money. 他已经把钱转移了。~one's affections/allegiance to another person 转而喜欢/忠于另一个人;~these files to the new cabinets/the heat to the inside of the house 把这些文件放到新的文件柜里/把热传到屋里;hope to be~red to another team 希望调到另一队去;~one's loyalty from a party 改变对一个党的忠诚;~the bracelet from one's right wrist to one's left 把手镯从右手腕戴到左手腕上;~the money from a box to one's pocket 把钱从箱子里拿出来放进口袋里;~sb from a branch office to the company's headquarters 将某人从分公司调到公司总部;〖同〗move,remove,shift,transport;〖反〗leave;

(2) 1)调动(往);转(学)(remove oneself or be moved from one place to another)[II+prep (from) (to)]:I'm~ring. 我正在调动(工作)。~from a history to the economics 学历史转到学经济学;~from junior college to the state university 从专科学校转到州立大学;~from sales to the advertising/the accounts office 从销售部门调到广告部门/会计室工作;(sb)~to a new post/a school/overseas duty (某人)调任新职/转到新的学校/调到海外服役; 2)转(换)乘(change from one bustrainor the like to another during a journey)[II+prep (from)(to)]:Take a train in New York and~in Boston. 在纽约乘火车,到波士顿转车。~to another train/a special bus 换乘另一列火车/专门的汽车;have to~a train from Xi'an to Beijing 不得不换乘从西安去北京的火车;~a bus 转乘公共汽车;

(3)转让(移交)(财产等)(make over the possession or control of one's propertyetc)[T+n T+n+prep (from) (to)]: ~rights to sb 把权利移交给某人;intend to~the property/the ownership of a house to one's son (wife) 打算把财产/房子的所有权移交给自己的儿子(妻子);The rights in the property will be~red from the present owner to your family. 财产所有权将从现在的拥有者手里转让到你们家名下。〖同〗hand over,make over;〖反〗keep,retain,leave;

(4)转印(录,存),临摹(move (a picturesth written or recordedetc) from one thing to another)[T+nT+n+prep (from) (to)]:~the design to the leather 把设计的图样转印到皮革上;~computer data from disk to tape 将计算机资料从磁盘转录到磁带上;

n (1)(转)迁移;调动,转学;转让(example of the act of transferring or being transferred)[CU]:ask for/want a~to another city (club) 要求/想要调到另一个城市(俱乐部);give sb a~to headquarters 让某人调到总部;the~of a land/a ship's cargo土地/一船货的转让;the~of currency from one country to another 把货币从一个国家转到另一国家;~fee/list(足球运动员等)转会费/(足球运动员等)转会名单;〖同〗 moving,removal,shift,shipment;

(2) 1)换(转)车(changing from one carrier or means of transportation to another during a journey)[U]:~passengers/point/desk 换机乘客/转车地点/中转服务台; 2)转乘证(票)(ticket that can be used on more than one train or bus without paying any or all of the extra fare)[C](尤AmE):buy a~买一张转车车票;

(3)转印(图等)(drawingdesign or the likethat is or may be transferred to another surfaceusu by direct contact)[C](尤BrE):have a~of Mickey Mouse/some flowers on the back of one's shirt 在衬衫背上印一幅米老鼠的图案/一些花





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