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单词 minister
释义 minister1 /'minister); 'minis 询/ n 1 person at the head of a Department of State (and often a member of the Cabinet): 部长(通常为内阁阁员): the M~ of Employment and Productivity; 劳工生产部部长; the Prime M~. 首相。 2 person representing his Government in a foreign country but of lower rank than an ambassador. 公使。 3 Christian priest or clergyman, esp one in the Presbyterian and Nonconformist Churches, 基督敎之牧师(尤指长老教会与独立敎会的牧师)。 Cf 参较 priest for the RC Church, and vicar, rector, curate for the Church of England. 天主敎用 priest, 昙国国教用 vicar, rector, curate0




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