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单词 里应外合

里应外合lǐ yìng wài hé

act from inside (/within)in coordination with forces (/the armies/operation)attacking from outside (/without); attack from outside while sb else strikes from within; collaborate from within with forces from without; strike a concerted blow from both inside and outside
❍ 我等进身入去,~,必成大事。(《水浒全传》625) Thus we will get into the village. Then if we attack from within and without surely we can conquer the village.
❍ 争取他,以便来个~,活擒哈叭狗和警备队长王一瓶。(冯志《敌后武工队》284) He wanted to win over this man so as to attack from both inside and outside and capture the Pekinese and the puppet commander One-Bottle Wang.
❍ 那时,在敌人张皇失措时,内应外合,一定能以最少的牺牲,夺取越狱的全胜。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》603) Then,when the enemy was in a panic,a concerted attack from within and without would bring success with a minimum of casualties.
❍ 他手里有一批人马,可以跟我们~。(高云览《小城春秋》264) He’s got a strong force at his command. They can attack from the outside while we strike from within.
❍ 集中营里的同志最好和地下党的武装力量结合起来,~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》365) It would be advisable for the comrades in Zhazidong to co-ordinate their activities with the armed forces of the Party Underground,then we’ll be able to strike a concerted blow from both inside and outisde.
❍ 现在郑三炮正在市里联络咱们的人偷取口令,准备来个~。(曲波《林海雪原》103) Three Gun’s getting in touch with our people in Peony River right now,and learning the enemy’s passwords. He wants to strike from within and without at the same time.


attacking from within in coordination with operation from without


collaborate from within with forces from outside;act from inside in coordination with forces from outside

里应外合lǐ yìnɡ wài hé

应:接应;合:配合。外面攻打,里面接应。collaborate from within with forces from without, strike together from both within and without





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