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Ⅰ ❶ (衬料; 纺织品的反面) lining; liner; inside: 被 ~ 儿 the underneath side of a quilt; 衣服 ~ 儿 the lining of a coat; 这面是 ~ 儿, 那面是面儿。 This is the back, that is the front.
❷ (里边; 里边的) inner: ~ 屋 inner room; ~ 头 interior; inside
❸ (街坊) neighbourhood: 邻 ~ people of the neighbourhood
❹ [书] (家乡) native place; hometown: 故 ~ one's native place; 乡 ~ home village; hometown; 返 ~ return to one's hometown
❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 克 Li Ke Ⅱ (长度单位) li, a Chinese unit of length (= 1/2 kilometre)
另见 see also li。
◆里边 inside; in; within; 里程 mileage; course of development; course; 里程碑 milepost; bosom; milestone; 里出外进 uneven; not neat; a motley crowd coming and going; 里带 inner tube (of a tyre); 里勾外连 stir up trouble within and join with those who are outside; 里急后重 {医} tenesmus; 里脊 tenderloin; 里间 inner room; 里克特[里氏]震级 {地物} Richter scale; Richter magnitude; 里里外外 outside and in; inside and outside; indoors and out; indoors and outdoors; ins and outs; within and without; 里弄 [方] lanes and alleys; neighbour ̄hood; 里面 inside; interior; inward; 里三层, 外三层 huge crowds of people; be crowded with people; 里手 the left-hand side; [方] expert; old hand; 里通外国 have [maintain] illicit [traitorous] relations with a foreign country; have illicit relations with foreign countries; have treasonous relations with a foreign country; maintain illicit foreign relations; 里头 inside; interior; 里外夹攻 make a front and rear attack; attack from within and without; be attacked from inside and out; 里屋 inner room; 里巷 lane; alley; 里应外合 work in collusion, one from without and the other from within; a concerted attack from within and without; act from inside in coordination with forces attacking from outside; act from the inside in coordination with sb. from the outside; act in concert with the attackers outside; attack from within and without; attack the enemy from within in coordination with operations from without; 里约热内卢 Rio de Janeiro (City); 里证 {中医} diseases caused by the endogenous factors involving serious disorders in the internal organs; interior syndrome; 里子 lining


❶ (里面; 内部) in; inside: 手 ~ in one's hands; 小提箱 ~ in [inside] the suitcase; 心 ~ in the heart; 屋 ~ in the room
❷ (附在“这、那、 哪”等字后边表示地点): 这 ~ here; 那 ~ there; 哪 ~ where; 村 ~ 的一草一木我无不熟悉。 There is not in the village a tree or a stone I don't know.
另见 see also lǐ。

interior; internal; inner





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