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单词 milk
释义 milk1 /milk; milk/ n [U] 1 white liquid produced by female mammals as food for their young, esp that of cows, drunk by human beings and made into butter and cheese: 乳; 奶; (尤指) 牛奶: ~ fresh from the cow; 刚从母牛挤出来的鲜奶; tinned ~, ■ 罐头牛奶; ~ puddings, eg rice, sago or tapioca baked with ~ in a dish. 牛奶布丁 (由牛奶与米,西米或参茨敌粉烤制而成) 。 the ~ of human kindness, the kindness that should be natural to human beings. 人类本性中的仁慈; 天生的恻隐之心。 It's no use crying over spilt ~, over a loss or error for which there is no remedy. 为倾泻的牛奶而痛哭是无用的; 覆水难收,悔亦无益。 ~ and water, (fig) feeble discourse or sentiment. (喻) 无味的言谈; 脆弱的情感。 2 (compounds) (复合字) '~-bar n bar for the sale of drinks made from ~, icecream and other light refreshments. 牛仙吧台 (售卖牛奶、冰淇淋及其他点心的柜台); 奶类饮食供应处。 '■churn n large vessel fitted with a lid for carrying ~. 有盖的大牛奶罐 (此义不用于美国) 。 ' ~ loaf, sweet-tasting white bread. 甜味的白面包。 '~maid n woman who milks cows and works in a dairy. 挤牛奶的女工。 '~man /-man; -man/ n (pl -men) man who sells ~; man who goes from house to house delivering 卖牛奶的人; (挨户) 送牛奶的人。 '~powder n ~ dehydrated by evaporation. 砂粉。 ' ~ round n ~ man's route from house to house, street to street. (从一条街到另一条街挨户的) 送牛奶路线。 '~shake n beverage of ~ with ice-cream mixed into it and beaten up. 牛奶加冰淇淋搅打而成的饮料; 泡沫奶 o'—sop /-sop; -zsap/ n man or youth who is lacking in spirit, who is too soft and gentle. 懦弱的人或靑年; 懦夫; 柔弱的人; 没骨气的人。 '~-tooth n (pl -teeth) one of the first (temporary) teeth in young mammals. 乳厳。 i' ~- 'white adj as white as ~. 乳白色的。 3 ~-like juice of some plants and trees, eg the juice inside a coconut. 乳状树液或果汁 (如揶子所含之液汁) 。 '~weed n name used for several kinds of wild Plant with a juice like ~. 乳草 (有乳状液之若干野生植物) 。 4 ~-like preparation made from herbs, drugs, etc: (由草, 药等制成之) 乳状药品; 乳剂: ~ of magnesia. 乳剂氧化鎌。




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