酌zhuóⅠ ❶ (饮) drink: 对 ~ (two people) have a drink together; 独 ~ drink alone; 浅 ~ have a little drink ❷ (斟) pour out (wine): ~ 满一杯酒 pour a full cup of wine ❸ (斟酌; 考虑) consider; deliberate; think over: ~ 办 proceed at one's discretion; act according to one's judgement; 请 ~ 加修改。 Make any alterations as you may think fit. 以上几点意见是否可行, 请 ~ 定。 Please weigh the above points and see if they are practicable. Ⅱ (酒饭) a meal with wine: 便 ~ informal dinner with a little wine; 菲 ~ luxuriant banquet ◆酌定 decide according to one's judgment; 酌量 consider; deliberate; use one's judgment; 酌情 take into consideration the circumstances; use one's discretion; act according to the circumstances; 酌字斟句 weigh one's words; choose one's words with great care |