郑重其事zhèng zhòng qí shìact with due care and respect; in earnest; serious and earnest; take sth seriously; with much (/utmost) gravity ❍ 他们对于党内和革命中的大问题大事变,不大感觉兴趣. 而常常计较那一针一线、一言一语的小事,为了这些小事,他们可以~地和别人争论不休、伤感备至。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》55) They do not take much interest inthe great problems and events in the Party and the revolution,but are always fussing over the merest trifles about which they enter into ponderous and endless arguments and become highly disturbed. ❍ 江涛~的说:“那是一个好同志,别开玩笑。”(梁斌《红旗谱》335)“She’s a good comrade,”said Jiangtao seriously.“Let’s have no nonsense from you.”/所以还~,托柔石亲自送去的。谁料竟会落在“三道头”之类的手里的呢,这岂不冤枉! (鲁迅《南腔北调集·为了忘却的记念》54)That is why I took this presentation so seriously that I got Rou Shi to deliver the two volumes for me . It was too bad that they had fallen into the hands of“Three-stripers”and their like!/这一切都说明,一个人要求进步,就必须下苦工夫,~地去进行自我修养。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》14) What all this shows is that very earnest self-cultivation are essential if one is to make progress. ❍ 他们围坐在桌子的四周,正玩着扑克牌,她张望了一下正要退缩回来,朱参谋长喊住她,冷着脸~地问道:“小姚!昨天半夜里,来了一个什么客人?”(吴强《红日》239) They were sitting round a table playing cards. She looked inside the room and was just about to withdraw when the chief-of-staff Zhu Bin called her back and said with an expression of extreme gravity:“Yao! Who was this visitor that came here in the middle of the night?”/李秘书点着头,十分~地说道:“不简单,不简单,商业上的情形,真真是瞬息万变。”(《茅盾文集》Ⅷ—289) The official nodded his head,“It’s not simple,” he confirmed with the utmost gravity,“not at all simple. The world of commerce is in a state of constant fluctuation.” 郑重其事zhènɡ zhònɡ qí shì郑重:严肃认真。形容对待某事的态度非常严肃认真。seriously, in earnest, with gravity |