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单词 method
释义 method /'metzscl; 'medsd/ n 1 [U] system(3), orderliness: 规律; 秩序: He's a man of 他京个有条理的人。 There's ~ in his madness, His behaviour, etc is not so unreasonable as it seems. 他表面虽疯狂,实有理性。 2 [C] way of doing sth: 方法; 办法: modern ~ .s of teaching arithmetic; 现代敎算术的方法; ~s of payment, eg cash, cheques, monthly instalments. 付款办法(如现金、支票、按月分期付款拿)。 ~ical /mi'Godikl; ma'Gadikl/ adj 1 done, carried out, with order or 按成序做依的; 有条理的: ~ical work. 井然有序的工作; 按部就班所完成的工作。 2 doing things with ~; having orderly habits: 做事有条理或有次序的; 惯于有规律的: ~ical worker. 有条不紊的工人。 ~ically /-kli; -kli/ adv ~ ology /,me93'6ols6; i; eQad'aladji/ n [U] science or study of ~; [C] set of ~s used in working at sth. 方法学; 研究法; 一套方法。




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