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❶ (香气浓厚) strongly fragrant: 馥 ~ full of fragrance
❷ (茂盛) luxuriant; lush: 苍 ~ verdant and luxuriant
❸ (忧愁等在心里积聚不得发泄) gloomy; depressed: 忧 ~ sad and depressed Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 达夫 Yu Dafu
◆郁闭 {林} closing; 郁积 smouldering; pent-up; {医} stasis; 郁结 pent-up; 郁金 radix curcumae; curcuma aromatica; 郁金香 {植} tulip; 郁闷 gloomy; depressed; 郁热 hot and suffocating; muggy; 郁血 {医} stagnation of the blood; venous stasis; 郁郁 [书] lush; luxuriant; gloomy; melancholy; depressed; strongly fragrant; elegant; refined; 郁郁不乐 be in dismay; be cheerless; be in a dismal mood; be in a very melancholy frame of mind; be in low spirits; be overwhelmed with grief; feel sad and gloomy; 郁郁葱葱 (be) a wild profusion of vegetation; luxuriantly green; It grows greener and fresher.; 郁郁寡欢 feel depressed; be in low spirits; be out of spirits [humor]; feeling depressed and not talking much; get [have] the hump; moody

stagnation; depression





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更新时间:2025/3/14 21:12:11