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单词 metal
释义 metal /'metl; 'met!/ n 1 [C] any of a class of mineral substances such as tin, iron, gold and copper: (某一种) 金属 (如锡、铁、金及铜等): a worker in ~s. 金属工人; 五金工人。 '~work n artistic work in ~. 金属工艺; 五金工艺。 '~-worker n one who shapes objects in ~. 金属工人; 金属匠。 2 [U] one of these (as a material n): 金属 (作物质名鬲用): Is it made of wood or ~? 它是木馆还是金属做成的? 3 [U] froad-) ~, (GB) broken stone used for making toads or the beds of railways. (英) 铺马路或铁路路基所用的碎石。 4 (pl) railwaylines: (复)火车轨道: The train left/jumped the 火车离(脱) 轨。 vt (-II-; US -I-) [VP6A] make or repair a road with ~ (3): 用碎石铺或修补道路: ~ led roads; 用碎石修补过的道路; a ~ led road surface. 用碎石修补的路面。




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