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单词 邪门歪道

邪门歪道邪魔歪道;邪魔外道xié mén wāi dào

crooked (/underhand) ways (/means);dishonest practices (/methods); heterodox doc trines; practise black magic;/大水低下头,随手铲起一块粪,扔到粪筐里,说:“邪魔歪道弄来的东西,咱不稀罕!” 一面走开去。(袁静《新儿女英雄传》6) Dashui couldn’t think of anything to say. He continued slowly along the road with his head down,scooping up manure and putting it into his bucket. “I don’t want any part of the things you get in your crooked ways,”he muttered.
❍ 才刚老爷进来,说起宝玉的干妈,竟是个混帐东西,邪魔外道的。(《红楼梦》 1062) Just now the master was here. He told us that Baoyu’s godmother was actually a witch who practised black magic.
❍ 若是八股文章欠讲究,任你做出什么来,都是野狐禅,邪魔外道!(《儒林外史》139) If,however,you cannot write bagu essays well,then all your writing will be unorthodox and third-rate.

邪门歪道xie men wai dao

crooked ways or means



邪门歪道xié mén wāi dào

比喻不正当的手段。dishonest methods, underhand ways, crooked ways, crooked means





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