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单词 meridian
释义 meridian /ma'ndian; ms'rrcksn/ n 1 (either half of a) circle round the globe, passing through a given place and the north and south poles: 子午线; 子午圈; 经线: the ~ of Greenwich, longitude 0。. 格林尼治子午线 (地图上的零度经线,即经度起算处) 。 2 highest point reached by the sun or other star as viewed from a point on the earth's surface; 12 noon. 从地面观测太阳或其他星球所到达的最高点; 中天; 中午十二时正; 正午。 3 (fig) period of greatest splendour, success, power, etc. (G) (声望、成就、权力等的) 鼎盛时期; 顶点。 4 (attrib) of a (形容用法) 子午线 (圈) 的; 正午的: ~ line/altitude; 子午线 (中天高度); (fig) (喻) in his . ~ splendour. 在他最辉煌的时期。




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