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单词 避坑落井

避坑落井bì kēng luò jǐng

avoid a trap to fall into a well; dodge a pit only to fall into a well; out of the frying pan into the fire; from (the) smoke into (the)smother
❍ 他哥哥从恶霸家里逃出后,在回家的路上又被抓去当了壮丁了,真是~。His brother escaped from the despot’s house,but was press-ganged on his way home.This was really like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire!

避坑落井bì kēnɡ luò jǐnɡ

比喻躲开一害,又遭一害。avoid a trap to fall into a well, out of the frying pan into the fire, dodge a pit only to fall into a well





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