释义 |
避bì ❶ (躲开;回避) avoid;evade;dodge;seek shelter;shun;flee: ~ 风雨 seek shelter from wind and rain;~ ~ 风头 lie low until furor blows over; 躲 ~ avoid meeting or being seen; 不 ~ 艰险 defy hardships and dangers;~ 开敌人岗哨 keep clear of enemy sentries ❷ (防止) prevent;keep away;repel: ~ 弹 repel a bullet [bomb] ◆避不露面 hide oneself out of the way; 避不作答 evade an answer;decline answering a question;parry a question; 避而不见 avoid meeting sb.; 避而不答 parry a question;avoid making any reply;evade an answer; 避而不谈 keep from talking about;avoid mentioning;cast [draw;throw] a veil (over);evade the question of;keep silent about the matter;not to touch on the question of; 避繁就简 shun the complicated and tackle the simple — for the sake of conciseness;take the simple and less complicated way; 避风 take shelter from the wind;lie low;stay away from trouble; 避风头 lie low until the wind blows over;stay away from trouble; 避风雨 seek [take] shelter from wind and rain; 避光性 photophobism;photopathy; 避寒 go to a winter resort;escape cold; 避讳 ([bì huì]) taboo on using the personal names of emperors,one's elder,etc.; 避讳 ([bì hui]) a word or phrase to be avoided as taboo;taboo;evade;dodge; 避祸 escape disaster;run away from calamity; 避开 turn off;avoid;evade;keep away from; 避雷 lightning-protection; 避雷器 lightning protector;lightning arrester;lightning guard;sparkgap;arrester;protector; 避乱 run away from social upheaval;find shelter against anarchy; 避免 avoid;refrain from;avert;prevent sth. happening;shun; 避难就易 avoid the difficult and choose the easy; 避难 take refuge;seek asylum [shelter];避匿 [书] lie in hiding;hide away; 避人耳目 escape the notice of others;avoid being noticed;elude observation; 避实就虚 keep [stay] clear of the enemy's main force and strike at his weak points;dwell on the abstract and avoid real issues;strike where the enemy is weakest and avoid its strongholds; 避世 retire from the world;live a sequestered life;live as a recluse; 避世绝俗 withdraw from society and live in solitude; 避世离俗 try to keep away from this world;try to escape reality; 避暑 be away for the summer holidays;spend a holiday at a summer resort;avoid summer heat;go to summer resort;prevent sunstroke; 避税 tax avoidance;tax evasion;evade tax; 避蚊油 dimethyl phthalate; 避嫌 avoid doing anything that may arouse suspicion;avoid arousing suspicion; 避嫌引退 withdraw from a post to avoid suspicion; 避邪 avoid evil spirits; 避凶趋吉 flee from evil and strive to walk in fair fortune's way;conduct oneself so as to avoid impending trouble and seek good luck; 避雨 take shelter from rain; 避孕 birth control;contraception;practise contraception; 避债 dodge creditors; 避重就轻 evade the crucial point;avoid the important and dwell on the trivial;choose the lighter task [way];evade serious matters and take up trifles;keep silent about major charges while admitting minor ones;shirk a difficult [the hard] work and take an [the] easy one;take up the minor issue to evade the major one |