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单词 道高一尺,魔高一丈

道高一尺,魔高一丈dào gāo yī chǐ,mó gāo yī zhàng

as virtue rises one foot,vice rises ten;temptation increases ten times as fast as virtue does; the good(/the law) is strong,but the evil(/the outlaw)is ten times stronger; the more illumination,the more temptation; while the priest climbs a post,the devil climbs ten
❍ 风浪是意料中事;所谓‘~!’ (茅盾《子夜》308) Heavy seas were only to be expected;“While the priest climbs a foot,the devil climbs ten!”/但是“~”。政协决议、停战协定和整军方案的实施,是决不会顺利的。(《周恩来选集》上—234)But as the saying goes,“While virtue is growing,vice is growing ten times faster.” The implementation of the Conference resolutions,of the Truce Agreement and of the programme for the reorganization of troops will not come easily.

道高一尺,魔高一丈dao gao yi chi,mo gao yi zhang

as virtue rises one foot,vice rises ten


good is strong,but evil is ten times stronger;the force of evil will always manage to beat the force of law;as virtue rises one foot,vice rises ten;the more illumination,the more temptation

道高一尺,魔高一丈dào ɡāo yī chǐ,mó ɡāo yī zhànɡ

道:指正气;魔:指邪气。佛家用语。比喻取得一定的成就后,阻碍就更大。现也比喻正气难以修成,而歪风邪气却容易高过正气。The law is strong,but the outlaws are ten times stronger. The good is ten times stronger than the evil prevailing. As visrtue rises one foot, vice rices ten.





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