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单词 道教

道教dào jiàoTaoism

八节斋 [bā jié zhāi] The Fasts of the Eight Seasons; The Fasts of the Lunar Periods
八仙 [bā xiān] the eight immortals
半仙 [bàn xiān] demigod
避邪符 [bì xié fú] phylactery (a charm to drive away demon influences)
卜卦用签 [bǔ ɡuà yònɡ qiān] lots (used in divination)
财神 [cái shén] God of Wealth; Mammon
曹国舅 [cáo ɡuó jiù] Cao Guojiu
长生不老 [chánɡ shēnɡ bù lǎo] agelessness; everlasting life
城隍 [chénɡ huánɡ] City God
赤脚大仙 [chì jiǎo dà xiān] barefoot immortal
道士 [dào shì] Taoist
对签号 [duì qiān hào] checking lots
法术 [fǎ shù] supernatural feat
返老还童 [fǎn lǎo huán tónɡ] rejuvenescence; renewing one’s youth
符 [fú] charm
福神 [fú shén] God of Fortune/Blessedings
供斋 [ɡònɡ zhāi] offer a vegetarian meal
韩湘子 [hán xiānɡ zǐ] Han Xiangzi
何仙姑 [hé xiān ɡū] He Xiangu
狐仙 [hú xiān] fox spirit/fairy
护符 [hù fú] amulet (a protective charm against evil influences)
化胡经 [huà hú jīnɡ] The Hua Hu Classic
黄录斋 [huánɡ lù zhāi] The Huang Lu Fast
魂不附体 [hún bú fù tǐ] in a trance
降神术 [xiánɡ shén shù] the practice of offering sacrifices in hope of obtaining the god’s presence
教尊 [jiào zūn] hierarch (Taoist high priest)
蓝采和 [lán cǎi hé] Lan Caihe
炼丹 [liàn dān] alchemy
灵符 [línɡ fú] efficacious charm
禄神 [lù shén] God of Fame/Reputation
门神 [mén shén] Door God
明真斋 [mínɡ zhēn zhāi] The Ming Zhen Fast (The Ming Chen Fast)
念咒 [niàn zhòu] chanting; casting a spell
念咒招魂 [niàn zhòu zhāo hún] invoking the soul
签卜 [qiān bǔ] sortilege (divination by lots)
签筒 [qiān tǒnɡ] lots container
签语 [qiān yǔ] oracle
签语簿 [qiān yǔ bù] oracle book
失魂 [shī hún] dazed (from loss of hun)
十善 [shí shàn] the ten good deeds
寿神 [shòu shén] God of Longevity
太平经 [tài pínɡ jīnɡ] The Tai Ping Classic
铁拐李 [tiě ɡuǎi lǐ] Tie Guaili
通灵术 [tōnɡ línɡ shù] mediumism (communication with spirits)
涂炭斋 [tú tàn zhāi] The Tu Tan Fast
土地庙 [tǔ dì miào] wayside shrine
禧神 [xǐ shén] God of Happiness/Joyousness
仙境 [xiān jìnɡ] Taoist paradise
仙人 [xiān rén] (Taoist) immortal; celestial being
心斋 [xīn zhāi] purifying the heart
修心 [xiū xīn] cultivating one’s mind (inner cultivation)
殉道 [xùn dào] martyrdom
逸士 [yì shì] hermit
隐遁 [yǐn dùn] recluse
隐者 [yǐn zhě] hermit
圆梦 [yuán mènɡ] oneiromancy (divination through dreams)
灶君 [zào jūn] God of the Hearth
斋戒 [zhāi jiè] fast (abstinence from meat and certain other thing as a religious practice)
张果老 [zhānɡ ɡuǒ lǎo] Zhang Guolao
招魂术 [zhāo hún shù] necromancy
真人 [zhēn rén] pure man; Taoist holy man
咒文 [zhòu wén] incantation
咒语 [zhòu yǔ] curse
自然斋 [zì rán zhāi] The Natural Fast

道教dao jiao


道教dao jiao







Taoism—indigenous Chinese religion founded by Zhang Daoling(张道陵)of the Eastern Han Dynasty
一阴一阳之为道。The yin and the yang make up the Tao./~宫观Taoist temple/~徒Taoist





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