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单词 遂心如意

遂心如意遂心满意suì xīn rú yì

be perfectly satisfied; live in happiness and content; one’s wishes are met; things turn out the way one wants
❍ 送星官回转本宫,他才遂心满意,喜地欢天,在于天宫快乐,无挂无碍。(《西游记》56) He then saw the star officials off and returned to his own palace. From then on he lived in happiness and content and enjoyed untrammelled pleasure in the palace.
❍ 有什么不称心的地方,只管说; 我管保你~就是了。(《红楼梦》569)What’s worrying you? Just tell me,and I’ll see that your wishes are met.
❍ 据我看来,天底下的事,未必都那么~的。(《红楼梦》571) I’m not too sure. In this world,things don’t always turn out the way you want.

遂心如意suì xīn rú yì

遂:顺。称心如意。perfectly satisfied, one’s wishes are met, after one’s heart





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