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单词 meat
释义 meat /mi: t; mil/ n 1 [U] flesh of animals used as food, excluding fish and birds: 食用的兽肉 (不包括鱼类, 鸟类之肉): ~-eating animals; 肉食动物; cold meat that has been cooked and has then become cold; 凉了的熟肉; 冷肉; chilled/frozen ~, meat chilled/frozen in order to keep it in good condition; 冷冻的肉; fresh from a recently killed animal. 鲜两。 ~batt n small ball of minced meat or sausage-meat. 肉丸。 ' ~- safe n cupboard for storing ~, usu with sides of wire gauze. 贮肉的橱柜 (通常装有铁纱) 。 ~pie /I ~ cooked with a covering of pastry. 肉煎即; 馅饼。 a ~tea, high tea with some kind of ~ dish.included. 有肉类点心的下午茶。应 high (12). 2 (fig) important or substantial part of sth: (喻) 重要部分; 重要円容; 实质: There's not much ~ in this argument. 这篇摘真没有什么内容。 3 (old use) food in general: (旧用正) 食物的总称: ~ and drink. 饮食。 One man's ~ is another nuui's poison, (prov) What one person likes is not necessarily liked by anyone else. (谚) 甲所喜者未必为乙所喜; 利于甲者未必利于乙。 ~less adj without 没有肉的: ~less days during the war. 轴 $ 无肉可吃的旦子。~ y adj (-ier, -iest) (fig) full of substance; substantial. (喻) 内容丰富的。




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