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单词 通权达变

通权达变tōng quán dá biàn

act as the occasion requires;adapt oneself to circumstances;adaptableto changing circumstances; follow a flexible course of action; not bound by old rules
❍ 满朝大臣中没有一个人在做事干练和~上能比得上杨嗣昌的。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅱ—32) None of the ministers in the court couldbeat Yang Sichang in capability and experience and in adapting themselves to circumstances.
❍ 他接到的指示是:“~,相机行事。”The written instruction he received read,“A dapt yourself to circumstances and act as the occasion demands.”

通权达变tong quan da bian

be flexible and untrammeled by conventions

通权达变tōnɡ quán dá biàn

权:变通;达:通晓、懂得。形容为了适应客观情况的需要,打破惯例,灵活办事。adapt oneself to circumstances, act as occasion requires, not bound by old rules





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