通今博古tōng jīn bó gǔbe sufficiently well versed in ancient and modern literature; have broad knowledge of past and present ❍ 宝玉便笑道: “姐姐~,色色都知道,怎么连这一出戏的名儿也不知道,就说了这么一套。这叫做 ‘负荆请罪’。” (《红楼梦》363) “Why cousin,” he cried,“surely you’re sufficiently well versed in ancient and modern literature to know the title of that opera. Why do you have to describe it?It’s called Abject Apologies.”/奶奶最是~的,难道汉朝的王熙凤求官的这一段事也不晓得? (《红楼梦》1315)Why,madam,with your broad knowledge of past and present,haven’t you heard the story of how Wang Xifeng of the Han Dynasty found an official post? 通今博古tong jin bo guconversant with things past and present |