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❶ (追赶) pursue; chase; run after: 追 ~ pursue; chase; 随波 ~ 流 drift with the current; 弃本 ~ 末 pursue the less important things, but forget the important ones; sacrifice [lose] the substance for the shadow
❷ (驱逐) drive out; expel; banish: 放 ~ 国外 exile sb. from his country
❸ (挨着次序) one by one: ~ 件 each piece; piece by piece; ~ 条解释 explain point by point; ~ 个清点 check one by one
◆逐步 step by step; progressively; gradually; proceed orderly; {数} successive steps; 逐臭之夫 a fellow who pursues rancidness; 逐次 each time; gradually; successive; 逐点 point-to-point; point-by-point; point ̄ wise; 逐格 single-frame; stop-motion; 逐个 one by one; 逐渐 gradually; by degrees; little by little; 逐客令 order for guests to leave; 逐鹿 [书] chase the deer — fight for the throne; bid for state power; vie for the throne; vie for power; seek an office; 逐鹿中原 fight for territory in ancient central China; fight for the throne; fight among rivals for the throne; chase the deer on the Central Plains — try to seize control of the empire; 逐年 year by year; year after year; with each passing year; 逐日 day by day; every day; 逐水 {中医} hydragogue method; relieve oedema or abdominal distension through diuresis or purgation; 逐条 item by item; article by article; point by point; 逐项 term by term; termwise; member by member; successive terms; 逐一 one by one; 逐字 word for word; verbatim; 逐字逐句 (copy) word for word; (follow the directives) word for word and sentence for sentence


expel; dispel; eliminate; remove





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