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❶ (挑选) select; choose; pick: 比赛前 ~ 场地 choose sides before a contest; 挑 ~ pick and choose; ~ 出最好的一本书 pick out the best book; 你为什么不 ~ 一个好一点的作文题? Why didn't you select a better subject for your composition? 她 ~ 他为夫。 She chose him for her husband. 这个城市被 ~ 为下届奥运会的会址。 This city was selected as the site for the coming Olympic Games.
❷ (选举) elect: 大[普] ~ general election; 当 ~ be elected; 入 ~ be chosen [selected, elected]; 他被 ~ 入委员会。 He was elected into the committee. 我们 ~ 她当篮球队队长。 We elected her captain of our basketball team. Ⅱ ❶(挑选出来编在一起的作品) selections; anthology: 民歌 ~ selections of falk songs; 诗 ~ selected poems; 文 ~ an anthology of prose
❷(姓氏) a surname
◆选本 anthology; selected works; 选材 select (suitable) material; 选出 elect; filtering; elimination; 选除 blanking; marking; 选答法 multiple-choice method; 选答考试 multiple-choice test [examination]; 选答题 {教} multiple choice; 选定(的) designate; selected; 选读 selected readings; 选段 selections; 选购 pick out and buy; selective purchasing; choose; purchase on selection purchase; commodities purchased by choice; 选号 numerical selection; 选辑 compile; edit; 选集 selected works; selected writings; selections; anthology; 选举 elect; election; vote; 选举法 election law; 选举权 the right to vote; franchise; 选课 {教} curricula-variable; 选料讲究 {广告} high quality materials; 选料考究 {广告} choice materials; 选留 select and remain; 选煤 {矿} upgrade; coal dressing; 选美 choose the beauty; elect beauty; beauty pageant; 选美比赛 beauty contest; 选民 voter; elector; constituency; electorate; 选民区 constituency; 选民证 voters' card; 选派 select; detail; draft; designate; select and appoint; 选配 apolegamy; match; selective breeding; 选票 vote; ballot; ballot ticket; 选区 electoral [election] district; selection precinct; electoral ward; constituency; 选取 select; choose; 选曲 selected songs [tunes]; musical selection; 选人唯贤 choose none but the best; 选任 choose and appoint; 选任职位 elective office; 选手 an athlete selected for a sports meet; competitor; (selected) contestant; (selected) player; 选送 select and send; 选台 channel selection; selective calling; 选题 selected topic; selection of a subject; 选通 gate; strobe; gating; 选通脉冲 gating pulse; gating impulse; kipp pulse; pulse gate; strobing pulse; strobe pulse; strobe mark; gating signal; selective gate; 选贤举能 select the good and the capable for public service; appoint the good and able men to office; pick out and promote talents; recruit and utilize talented people; 选贤任能 employ or appoint people according to their merits; appoint the good men and able men to office; select and appoint talented, capable people; 选贤图治 select highly capable persons who will be put in office to administer the country; 选型 lectotype; model selection; 选修 take as an elective course; 选穴法 {中医} point selection; 选言法 disjunctive proof method; 选言命题 disjunctive proposition; 选样 sampling; sample; 选印 offprint; 选用 select and use [apply]; 选育 {农} seed selection; breeding; 选择 select; choose; opt; election; choice; culling; alternative; 选择器 selector; chooser; finder; 选择权 option; 选择题 choice question; multiple-choice question; 选徵兵役制 [美] Selective Service; 选址 site selection; site testing; 选种 seed selection; strain selection

精~carefully choose/遴~select sb for a job(or post)/评~choose (or select)through public appraisal/筛~screen;sieve/普~general election/初~primary election/落~ fail in an election/补~by-election/诗~anthology of poems/美国文学~anthology of American literature





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