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❶ (逃跑; 逃走) run away; flee; escape; take flight; take to one's heels: 携赃款潜 ~ run away with the illicit money; 仓皇溃 ~ take to one's hasty flight; 那个间谍企图 ~ 到邻国去。 The spy attempted to escape to a neighbouring country. 他 ~ 进森林。 He fled into a forest.
❷ (逃避) escape; evade; shirk; dodge: 罪责难 ~ cannot escape the responsibility for the offence
◆逃汇行为 evasion of foreign exchanges; 逃婚 escape marriage; run away from wedding; 逃课 play truant; cut class; 逃离 flee; 逃名避誉 avoid fame and praise; 逃命 run [flee; fly] for one's life; 逃难 flee from calamity; be a refugee; 逃匿 escape and hide; go into hiding; 逃跑 run away; flee; escape; take flight; take to one's heels; turn tail; take a powder; fly the coop; do a guy [bunk]; show a clean pair of heels; show [take] one's heels; take (to) flight; make off; slip away; cop a heel; break away; give [take] leg bail; cut one's stick; cut loose; betake oneself to flight; make one's getaway; make good one's escape; make oneself scarce; cut and run; get-out; 逃票 steal a ride; ride (on a bus) without paying fare; 逃散 become separated in flight; 逃生 flee for one's life; escape with one's life; escape; 逃世深居 retire from the world and dwell in deep seclusion; 逃税 evade [dodge] a tax; tax evasion; tax avoidance; evasion of taxation; 逃脱 succeed in escaping; make good one's escape; get clear of; 逃妥鱼 tautog; tautaug; 逃亡 become a fugitive; flee from home; go into exile; 逃席 quit a dinner party without saying goodbye for fear of being urged to drink; 逃学 play truant [hookey; hooky]; cut class; escape school; skip school; 逃逸 escape; run away; abscond; 逃灾避难 seek refuge from calamities; 逃债 dodge a creditor; 逃之夭夭 decamp; make one's getaway; show a clean pair of heels; slip away; take to one's heels; flee; beat it; get away with it; 逃走 run away; flee; take flight; take to one's heels; make one's escape





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