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单词 退避三舍

退避三舍tuì bì sān shè

retreat ninety li—give way (to sb) to avoid a conflict; shy away from;steer clear of sb (/sth); avoid a head on clash by“making a retreat of 90 li”,avoid sb modestly; avoidsb like a plague; fight shy of sb; give a wide berth to sb (/sth);keep a good distance from
❍ 我们日夕希望民众接近本党,拥护本党,不料这种党员执政权者的一切设施,已使民众~,这是何等痛恨的事!(《周恩来选集》上—5) It is our constant hope that the Party will win the people’s confidence and support,but un fortunately,all that these Party members in power have done is to alienate them;how distressing this is!/陈毅同志领导的军队,执行了中央的正确方针,来了一个“~”。(《周恩来选集》上—201) The troops com manded by Comrade Chen Yi carried out the correct policy of the Central Committee and avoided a head-on clash by“making a retreat of 90 li”./两公子将此书略翻了几页,称赞道:“贤侄少年如此大才,我等俱要~矣。” (《儒林外史》128) “You are a young genius,nephew!” declared his uncles after turning a fewpages. “None of us are up to you.”/微楚之惠不及此,退三舍避之,所以报也。(《左传·僖二十八年》) But for the kindness of Chu,we should not be in our present circumstances;and this retreat of three stages is to repay that kindness.
❍ 什么 “死” 的观念便退避了三舍,他很想完成了腹稿中的这首诗。(茅盾《子夜》162)All thought of suicide vanished from his mind as he decided that the poem was well worth finishing,…

退避三舍tui bi san she

retreat ninety li—give way to sb. to avoid a conflict


avoid someone;give way to avoid a conflict;keep a good distance from someone

退避三舍tuì bì sān shè

舍:古代行军三十里为一舍。比喻主动对人让步或避开。give way to sb. to avoid a conflict, keep a good distance from





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