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单词 blast
blast/blɑ:st, AmE blæst/ v [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]; n & interj

v (1) 炸开(毁) (destroy or break apart(esp rocks) by explosions)[I T+n]: Danger! B~ing in progress! 危险!正在爆破!~a village/an enemy position炸毁一个村庄/敌人的阵地;~a rock/a tunnel炸开一块岩石/炸出一条隧道;~one's way into the hearts of the people (fig) 深入人心;~a door away/down/in 炸开门;~away the face of a rock 炸开一岩石的表层;〖同〗explode;

(2) 轰炸 (attack with explosive weapons) [T+n]:The planes~ed the city. 飞机轰炸了城市。〖同〗bomb;

(3) 使(遭冻、热等而)枯萎(cause (esp plants) to dry up and die by lightning cold heat etc)[T+n](lit):The buds were~ed by frost/wind/storm/the icy breath of winter.嫩芽被霜/风/暴风雨/冬天的寒气摧毁了。

(4) 毁掉(ruin; destroy)[T+n] (fml):~one's future/one's hopes for college 毁掉某人的未来/上大学的希望;Defeat~ed our hopes.失败使我们灰心失望。

(5) (使)轰响((cause to) make a sudden loud harsh noise)[I T+n]:Music/His voice (was being)~ed from the little radio.音乐/他的声音(正)从小小的收音机中如雷灌耳般传出。The buglers~ed their horns.号手使劲吹号。He~ed his horn irritably.他发着火使劲按喇叭。〖同〗roar;

(6) 严厉批评(criticize severely)[T+n]:The play was~ed by the critics.那剧受到批评家们的猛烈抨击。The reviewers~ed the movie. 评论家们抨击了那部片子。

blast off (v adv) 发射 (vi):The spaceship/rocket will~off at two o'clock. 宇宙飞船/火箭将于两点升空。

→′blasted adj 非常讨厌的;′blasting n 严厉的批评;′blast-off n 发射宇宙飞船(的时间);

n (1) 爆炸;爆炸时的气浪 (explosion or the destructive powerful wave of air caused by an explosion)[C U]:a bomb~炸弹爆炸;an atomic~原子爆炸;a~of dynamite 炸药的爆炸;be killed/wounded/demolished by~被炸死/炸伤/炸毁;Nobody was hurt in the~.爆炸中无人受伤。the~from an explosion爆炸的气浪;He was knocked down by the~from the explosion.他被爆炸的气浪掀翻在地。〖同〗explosion;

(2) 轰鸣声 (loud sudden usu unpleasant sound or noise of a brass instrumentcar hornetc) [C]:blow a~on a bugle/a trumpet/a whistle/a horn使军号/喇叭/哨/喇叭发出刺耳的响声; blow a series of short~s 吹出一连串短促的尖音; the~of factory whistle 工厂汽笛的啸叫; a~of the siren 警报声; One~of the trumpet awakened all the soldiers. 突然的号声唤醒了所有的士兵。The radio let out an awful~. 收音机发出刺耳的啸叫。〖同〗roar, scream;

(3) 疾(阵)风 (sudden strong stream of air) [C]:a~of wind/hot air (from the furnace)/cold air 一阵风/(炉中的)热风/冷风; the wind's icy~s (the icy~s of wind) 刺骨的阵风; 〖同〗gust;

(at) full blast 全力(速)地:work/go/shout (at) full~全力工作/行走/喊; have one's radio going (at) full~把收音机开得震耳地响;

→′blast-furnace n 鼓风炼铁炉;

interj 倒霉! 该死! (word used to express anger or annoyance):B~(it), there's the phone again! 该死,电话又响了!






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