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单词 master
释义 master1 /'ma: sta (r) US: 'maes-; 'maest/ n 1 man who has others working for him or under him: 主人; 雇主: ~ and man, emplpyer and workman (or manservant); 雇主与雇工; 主人与仆人; (attrib) skilled workman or one in business on his own account: (形容用法) 熟练技工; 能手; 独立经营者: a ~ carpenter/builder, etc. 木工能手 (独立经营的建筑师或营造商等) 。 be one's own ~, be free and independent. 独立自主。 2 male head of a household: 家里的房主人: the ~ of the house. 家长。 be ~ in one's own house, manage one's affairs without interference from others. 处理自己的事务不受他人干涉。 3 captain of a merchant ship: M船的船长: a ~ mariner; 船长; obtain a ~ 's certificate, one that gives the holder the right to be a ship's captain. 取得船长证书。 4 male owner of a dog, horse, etc. 痴,马等两男主人。 5 male teacher: 男敎师: the mathematics ~, 数学敎师; 'school ~; 敎师; 校长; 'house ~, O house' (7); male teacher of subjects taught outside school: 担任校外所授科目的男该师; 敎练: a 'dancing/'fencing/'riding- ~. 舞蹈敎师 (击剑敎练; 骑术敎练) 。 6 ~ of, person who has control or who has (sth) at his disposal: 能控制或掌握某事物的人; 能自由运用某事物的人; 精通某事物的人: He is ~ of the situation, has it under control. 他能控制这个情况。 If only I could be ~ of this subject, come to know it thoroughly. 我多么希望能精通这个科目。 He has made himself -of the language, has learnt it well, so that he can use it freely. 他已经精通这种语言。 You cannot be the ~ of your fate, cannot decide your own destiny. 你不能决定你自己的命运。 He is ~ of a large fortune, can use it as he wishes. 他能麻意处理一大笔财产。 7 the M~, Jesus Christ. 主; 耶稣基督。 M~ of 'Arts/'Science, etc, holder of the second university degree. 文学 (理学等) 硕士。 cbachelor. 8 (with a boy's name) young Mr: (与男孩的姓名连用) 小主人; 少爷: M~ Charles Smith, sometimes used when speaking of or to a boy up to about the age of 14. 杳理史密斯少爷 (有时用以对十四岁左右的男孩的尊称) 。 9 title of the heads of certain colleges: 某些学院的院长: the M~ of Balliol, Oxford. 牛津大学巴利奥学院院长。 10 great artists, esp old ~s, the great painters of the 13th to 17th cc; painting by one of these artists. 名家; 大师 (尤用于 old masters 中,指十三至十七世纪间的大画家); 大画家之作品。 11 (attrib) commanding; superior: (形容用法) 主要的; 熟练的; 高超的: the work of a ~ hand, a superior and skilful artist, etc, 能手的作品; 名家的作品。 His ~ passion (=The passion that dominates his thoughts, etc) is motor-racing. 他最大的爱好是赛车。 '~mind n person with superior brains (esp one who plans work to be carried out by others). 英才; 老手; 主脑 (尤指计划工作由别人执行的人物 RHence, 由此产生, 1 ~-mind vt plan, direct, a scheme: 策划: The whole affair was ~-minded by the publicity department. 整个事情是由宣传部门策划的。 12 as title of various officials. 某些官员的头衔。 M~ of the Horse, official in the royal household. 御马长官。 M~ of foxhounds, man who controls them. 管, 猎狐狗的官员。 M~of Ceremonies, (abbr 略作 M C) person who superintends the forms to be observed on various social occasions, eg a public banquet. 司礼官; 司仪。 13 (compounds) (复合字) , — at-'arms n police officer in the Navy and in passenger ships of the merchant service. (海军或商船上的) 警卫长。 '~-key n one that will open many different locks, each also opened by a separate key. 万能钥匙 (可以开很多不同锁的钥匙) 。 ~less adj having no 无主人的。 ~ piece n sth made or done with very great skill. 杰作; 名著。 '~stroke n surpassingly skilf ul act or piece (of policy, etc). (K 策等)绝妙的行动; 绝招。 0 (for senses 1-5) mistress.




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