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单词 mask
释义 mask1 /ma: sk US: maesk; maesk/ n 1 covering for the face, or part of it, eg a piece of silk or velvet for hiding the face; replica of the face carved in wood, ivory, etc; disguise. 面罩; 面具; (以木头、象牙等雕刻成的) 面像摹制品; 假面具; 伪装。 do sth under a/the ~ of friendship, while pretending to be a friend. 籍友谊之名 (装做朋友) 做某事。 throw off one's ~, (fig) show one's true character and intentions. (喻) 揭掉假面 JI ; 现出本来的面口。 2 ('gas) —, breathing apparatus, in some cases for the whole of the head, worn as a protection against poisonous gas, smoke, etc, eg in coalmines, or by a fireman in a burning building: 防毒 (火) 面具 (一种用以防止吸入毒气、烟等的呼吸器贝 ,和时遮住整个面部,如煤矿坑内工人,或救火员进入火场所用者) 。 3 pad of sterile gauze worn over the mouth and nose by eg doctors and nurses, eg for a surgical operation. (医生或护士手术时所戴的纱布) 口罩。 4 replica of the face worn by an actor or actress. (演员所戴的) 假面具。 5 likeness of a face made by taking a mould in wax, etc. (用蜡等) 模制的面像。 death ~, one made by taking a mould of the face of a dead person. 照死人的脸面模制的面像。 6 face or head of a fox. 狐狸的面或头。




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