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单词 迫不得已

迫不得已pò bù dé yǐ

abide by the inevitable;be forced (/driven/compelled) to; be impelled by necessity (/strong passion); (do sth) against one’s will; cannot help but; have no alternative (/no choice/no other option) but (to do sth); have to (do sth)(under the circumstances); on (/under/upon)compulsion; there is no alternative but;under constraint (/the pressure of circumstances)
❍ ~然后受诏。(《汉书·王莽传上》) He was compelled by necessity before accepted amnesty and served the ruler.
❍ 凡在驻防地的弟兄,均应事先暗中疏通,如遇饥民事变,在被~时,只许朝天开枪。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—158) All soldiers of the garrison units should be secretly persuaded beforehand not to open fire on the starving peasants but,when forced to do so in case of riots,they should fire into the air.


have no alternative (or choice) but to; be compelled (or forced,driven) to; do sth against one’s will

迫不得已pò bù dé yǐ

迫:逼迫。由于逼迫,没有其他办法,不得不这样。have no alternative, cannot but, be forced to, be impelled by necessity





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