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单词 迫不及待

迫不及待pò bù jí dài

be all agog for(/to do);be impatient to (do sth); be keen on; be unable to hold oneself back; be very anxious (to do sth immediately); cannot wait; impetuously; in a rush(/great hurry/frantic haste); posthaste; urgent(ly); too impatient to wait
❍ 杨仲安(对他的话似乎根本听不进去,~地想要把要讲的话讲完) ……(夏衍《考验》60) Yang (seems utterly unable to take in Ding’s meaning,but is bent on telling Ding his views): …/因为形势紧急,既蒙你都督答应援鄂,湖北方面,就象久旱望雨,~,……(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—273) In view of the grave situation and since you have already agreed to give Hubei your valuable aid,our people now are very anxious indeed to have your rein forcements there immediately./“什么?” 白求恩~地问,“药品?加拿大来了药品?”(张骏祥、赵拓《白求恩大夫》) “What is it?” Bethune asks eagerly.“Medicines? Have the medicines arrived from Canada?”/乌兰夫同志热情地问候以后,汇报了这个地区的组织情况、民族工作、军事工作……之后,~地希望听到党的指示。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》14) After ex pressing his warm welcome,Ulanfu reported on the conditions of the local Party organization,work among the nationalities,military affairs and so on.Then he expressed his eagerness to hear the Party’s directives.
❍ 因为上游落了滂沱大雨,这里的河水奔流,更加湍急。也象是~一样,居高临下地倾注下来,飞泻着。(吴强《红日》387) A torrential downpour over the upper reaches of the river had made the swift current here race swifter still,as if it were draining away in frantic haste after pouring down from some lofty eminence.
❍ 还有一百五十多米,魏强就~地啪啪啪地拍了三下; ……(冯志《敌后武工队》21) With about 100metres still to go,Wei Qiang urgently clapped his hands three times;…


unable to hold oneself back; too impatient to wait;itching to do sth

迫不及待pò bù jí dài

迫:紧迫、紧急。紧迫得不容等待。too impatient to wait, in a great hurry, lose no time, brook no delay





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