释义 |
连(連)liánⅠ ❶ (连接) link; join; connect: 他和群众心 ~ 心。 His heart is linked with the hearts of the masses. 天 ~ 水, 水 ~ 天。 The sky and the water seem to merge. 我们把小块的地 ~ 成大块的田。 We joined up small plots of land and made bigger fields. 这两个分句由一个连词 ~ 在一起。 The two clauses are joined by a conjunction. 这两个市镇有铁路相 ~。 The two towns are connected by a railway. ❷ (连累) involve (in trouble); implicate: 互相牵 ~ be implicative of each other ❸ [方] (缝) sew: 缝缝 ~ ~ sewing and mending; 把两块布 ~ 在一起 sew two pieces of cloth together Ⅱ ❶ (军队的编制单位) company: 一 ~ 步兵 a company of foot ❷ (连词) conjunction ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 称 Lian Cheng Ⅲ ❶ (连续; 接续) in succession; one after another; repeatedly: ~ 唱了5支歌 sing five songs one after another; ~ 发3封电报 send three telegrams in succession ❷ (甚至) even: 他忙得 ~ 家信都忘了写。 He was so busy that he even forgot to write home. 我 ~ 想都没有想过。 I didn't even give a thought. 这事 ~ 我妈都不知道, 别说我了! Even my mother is in the dark about it , to say nothing of me! Ⅳ (包括在内) including: 这本词典 ~ 邮费共100元。 This dictionary is 100 yuan, postage included. 这个办公室 ~ 我共有10人。 There are ten people in this office including me. ◆连本带利 both principal and interest; both capital and interest; interest and principal together; profit as well as capital; total of capital and interest; with capital and interest; 连比 {数} continued ratio; 连鬓胡子 full beard; 连播 chain broadcast; 连茬 {农} continuous [succession] cropping; 连词 {语} conjunction; 连带 related; {数} associate; 连...带... and; together with; as well as; and; while; 连裆裤 child's pants with no slit in the seat; [方]; 连队 {军} company; 连发 {军} running fire; 连杆 {机} link; connecting rod; perch; go-between; column; connecting bar; crank-guide; link lever; linking member; side rod; slotted lever; 连亘 [书] continuous; 连贯 link up; piece together; hang together; coherent; consistent; 连贯性 sequence; coherence; continuity; 连锅端 remove or destroy lock, stock and barrel; take or get rid of the whole lot; 连合 Coalesce; inosculation; 连环 chain of rings; interlink; connecting ring; 连击 {体} double hit; 连脚裤 infant's pants with stocking attached; 连接 connect; fit together; link; marry; mate; joint; association trail; linkage; concatenate; concatena ̄ tion; conjunction; connection; fastening; connecting; connexion; interconnection; jointure; couple; anastomosis; attachment; enchainment; merging; interlinkage; articulation; catination; bridging; 连接号 hyphen; 连接器 connector; union; adapter; bond; connector box; connection box; jointer; associator; 连结 concatenate; joining-up copulation; structural connection; junction; anastomose; attachment; bond; 连襟 husbands of sisters; 连茎植物 piping; 连累 implicate; incriminate; involve; get sb. into trouble; 连理 trees whose branches interlock or join together; a couple very much in love; 连连 [口] repeatedly; again and again; 连络 communication; 连忙 promptly; immediately; instantly; in a hurry; in haste; at once; 连绵 continuous; unbroken; uninterrupted; 连年 in successive years; in consecutive years; for years running; for years on end; 连皮 gross weight; including the packing; 连篇 throughout a piece of writing; page after page; one article after another; a multitude of articles; 连篇累牍 keep on repeating at great length; a prolix style; column after column; floods of ink; lengthy and tedious; long and tedious writings; page on page and volume on volume; reiterate again and again; repeat at great length; speak at (great) length; talk at length about ...; whole pages of insipid talk; 连谱号 {音} accolade; brace; 连翘 {植} golden bell; weeping golden bell; Forsythia suspensa; weeping forsythia; {中药} the capsule of weeping forsythia; 连任 be reappointed or reelected consecutively; renew one's term of office; 连日 for days on end; day after day; 连衫裙 one-piece dress; 连射 {军} running fire; 连声 repeatedly; again and again; 连锁 linkage; kettung; catena; chain; 连锁经营 chain operation; 连天 reaching the sky; incessantly; sky-rending; 连通 feed through; connection; connected; intercommunication; 连同 together with; along with; 连谓式 {语} sentence with consecutive predicates; 连系 linkage; connection; 连写 joining of syllables in Chinese phonetic transcription, e.ɡ. rénmín (人民), tuōlājī (拖拉机); 连续 continuation; succession; series; continuity; continuing; running; continuous; successive; continue; in a row; 连续报导 successive report; 连续剧 play serial; 连续性 continuity; solidity; sequence; continuance; 连夜 the same night; that very night; 连衣裙 a woman's dress; one-piece dress; 连阴天 cloudy or rainy weather for several days running; 连用 use consecutively; use together; 连云港 Lianyungang (in Jiangsu Province); 连载 publish in instalments; serialize; 连长 company commander; 连指手套 mitten; 连种 {农} continuous cropping; 连轴转 work day and night; work at both tides; work double tides; work round the clock; 连珠 like a chain of pearls or a string of beads; in rapid succession; 连珠炮 continuous firing; drumfire; 连缀 {语} cluster; 连字符 en dash; 连字号 hyphen(-); 连奏 {音} legato; 连作 {农} continuous cropping; sequential cropping; 连坐 [旧] be punished for being related to or friendly with sb. who has committed an offence |