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单词 近在咫尺

近在咫尺jìn zài zhǐ chǐ

at one’s elbow; at (/within) a stone’s throw; be well within one’s reach;close (/near) at hand; within clutch
❍ 仿佛那位不肯通融的钱庄经理的一副半死不活的怪脸相,就~,同时,一团和气的杜竹斋的山羊脸也在旁边晃; 陈君宜觉得这是一线希望。(茅盾《子夜》75) He saw in his mind’s eye the ugly,half-dead faces of the bank managers who had refused him loans and beside them the bland goat like face of Du Zhuzhai; he felt the latter held a ray of hope for him.
❍ 虽则距新军~,但那里警卫森严,不是随便可以进去的。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—120)Though the camp of the New Army was near at hand,it was well guarded and not an easy place to enter any time you wished.
❍ 魏强趴在潮湿的河边上,朝西望了望~的两座炮楼子。(冯志《敌后武工队》149)Wei Qiang lay flat on the wet river bank and looked west at the two forts,now only a few feet away./……就是~的人物也都成了晕状的怪异的了; …… (茅盾《子夜》 191) …so that even the nearest passers-by seemed to be so many grotesque phantoms; …

近在咫尺jin zai zhi chi

close at hand


close at hand;well within reach;just around the corner

近在咫尺jìn zài zhǐ chǐ

咫:古代长度单位,一咫等于现在的市尺六寸二分二厘。比喻距离非常近。with in a stone’s throw of, be close at hand, well within reach, in the way, be but a few feet from here





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