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单词 运筹帷幄

运筹帷幄yùn chóu wéi wò

contrive (/map/work out) strategic plans in the headquarters; devise(/plan) strategies within a command tent
❍ 夫运筹策帷帐之中,决胜于千里之外,吾不如子房。(《史记·高祖本纪》)When it comes to scheming in the commander’s tent to win a battle a thousand li away,I am no match for Zhang Liang.
❍ 如此三度,张良略无一度倨傲怠漫之心,石公遂爱他勤谨,夜授天书,着他扶汉。后果然~之中,决胜千里之外。(《西游记》194) This happened three times. Since Chang Liang did not display the slightest sign of pride or impatience,he won the affection of Shigong,who imparted to him that night a Heavenly book and told him to support the house of Han. Afterwords,Zhang Liang made his plans sitting in a military tent to achieve victories a thousand miles away!/玄德曰: “岂不闻 ‘~,决胜千里之外’? 二弟不可违令。”(《三国演义》344) Liu Bei said,“Do you not understand that the plans elaborated in a little chamber decide success over thousands of li? Do not disobey the command,my brothers.”

运筹帷幄yun chou wei wo

plan strategies in a command tent


devise strategies within a command tent
~之中,决胜千里之外(《史记·高祖本纪》) sit within a command tent and devise strategies that assure victory a thousand li away;contrive strategic plans in the headquarters and win victory in the distant battlefield

运筹帷幄yùn chóu wéi wò

运:运用;筹:策划;帷幄:古代军中的帐幕。在后方帐幕中谋划指挥前方的行动。devise strategies with in a command tent, work out strategic plans at the headquarters





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