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单词 运用自如

运用自如yùn yòng zì rú

handle very skilfully;have a good (/perfect) command of
❍ 由一个幼稚的革命者,变成一个成熟的、老练的、能够 “~” 地掌握革命规律的革命家,要经过一个很长的革命的锻炼和修养的过程,一个长期改造的过程。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》3) An immature revolutionary has to go through a long process of revolutionary tempering and self cultivation,a long process of remoulding,before he can become a mature and seasoned revolutionary who can grasp and skilfully apply the laws of revolution.
❍ 但是范文澜同志一旦脑子通了,对编写中国历史就有帮助,就可以~。(周恩来《学习毛泽东》) But once Comrade Fan Wenlan began to see things in their right per spective,he was able to use his studies for compiling and writing Chinese history with ease.

运用自如yùn yònɡ zì rú

形容运用得十分熟练、自然。handle very skilfully, have a perfect command of, grasp and skillfully apply





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