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单词 迎刃而解

迎刃而解yíng rèn ér jiě

(bamboo) splits as it meets the edge of the knife— [of a problem] be readily solved; settle a case fast; solve a problem(/difficulty) with the greatest ease
❍ 研究任何过程,如果是存在着两个以上矛盾的复杂过程的话,就要用全力找出它的主要矛盾。捉住了这个主要矛盾,一切问题就~了。(《毛泽东选集》297) In studying any complex process in which there are two or more contradic tions,we must devote every effort to finding its principal contradiction. Once this principal contra diction is grasped,all problems can be readily solved.
❍ 思想问题解决了,矛盾也就~。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》 235) Once this ideological problem is resolved then the contradiction is solved.
❍ 胸中若无宏才,怎可~! (朱素臣《十五贯》24) Only a brilliant man|Could settle a case so fast!


can be solved as easily as splitting a bamboo;can be readily solved

迎刃而解yínɡ rèn ér jiě

迎:对着;刃:刀口。 碰着刀口就分割开来。比喻主要的问题解决了,其他相关的问题就可以容易地解决。be readily solved, (be) overcome, be easily done





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