过目成诵guò mù chéng sòngbe able to recite a passage after one perusal; have a photographic (/very retentive)memory ❍ 公子最惠,~,二三月后,命笔警绝。(《聊斋志异·娇娜》59) The young man proved an apt scholar; he could remember what he had once read,and at the end of two or three months had made astonishing progress. ❍ 黛玉笑道: “你说你会 ‘~’,难道我就不能‘一目十行’了!”(《红楼梦》271)❶“You boast that you can memorize a passage with one reading!Why can’t I learn ten lines at a glance?” ❷“You needn’t imagine you’re the only one with a good memory,”said Daiyu haughtily. “I suppose I’m allowed to remember lines too if I like.” 过目成诵ɡuò mù chénɡ sònɡ读一遍就能背出来。have a photographic memory, be able to recite sth. after reading it once, can recite a passage after one perusal |