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单词 过境手续

过境手续ɡuò jìnɡ shǒu xùCustoms Formalities

办理出境手续 [bàn lǐ chū jìnɡ shǒu xù] attend to/go through one’s exit formalities
办理护照签证手续 [bàn lǐ hù zhào qiān zhènɡ shǒu xù] get one’s passport visaed
办理护照手续 [bàn lǐ hù zhào shǒu xù] attend to/go through the passport formalities
办理入境手续 [bàn lǐ rù jìnɡ shǒu xù] attend to/go through one’s entry formalities
报关 [bào ɡuān] customs clearance
边防检查站 [biān fánɡ jiǎn chá zhàn] Frontier Defence Inspection Station
出境签证 [chū jìnɡ qiān zhènɡ] exit visa
个人物品 [ɡè rén wù pǐn] personal effects
公事护照 [ɡōnɡ shì hù zhào] service passport
关税 [ɡuān shuì] (customs) duty
官员护照 [ɡuān yuán hù zhào] official passport
过境旅客 [ɡuò jìnɡ lǚ kè] transit passenger
过境签证 [ɡuò jìnɡ qiān zhènɡ] transit visa
过境手续 [ɡuò jìnɡ shǒu xù] transit formalities
海关 [hǎi ɡuān] customs (house)
海关检查 [hǎi ɡuān jiǎn chá] customs inspection/examination
海关人员 [hǎi ɡuān rén yuán] customs officer
海关申报单 [hǎi ɡuān shēn bào dān] customs declaration form
海关手续 [hǎi ɡuān shǒu xù] customs formalities
护照 [hù zhào] passport
检疫 [jiǎn yì] quarantine inspection
检疫站 [jiǎn yì zhàn] quarantine office
健康证书 [jiàn kānɡ zhènɡ shū] health certificate
结关 [jié ɡuān] customs clearance
没收 [mò shōu] confiscate
免税物品 [miǎn shuì wù pǐn] duty-free articles
免验证 [miǎn yàn zhènɡ] laissez-passer
内政部入出境管理局 [nèi zhènɡ bù rù chū jìnɡ ɡuǎn lǐ jú] Entrance & Exit Administration of Ministry of Interior
签证 [qiān zhènɡ] visa
入境旅客物品申报单 [rù jìnɡ lǚ kè wù pǐn shēn bào dān] baggage declaration for inward passengers
入境签证 [rù jìnɡ qiān zhènɡ] entry visa
外币登记表 [wài bì dēnɡ jì biǎo] foreign currency registration certificate
外国人登记表 [wài ɡuó rén dēnɡ jì biǎo] form for registration of foreigners
外国人检查站 [wài ɡuó rén jiǎn chá zhàn] Foreigner Check Post
外交护照 [wài jiāo hù zhào] diplomatic passport
违禁物品 [wéi jìn wù pǐn] contraband
文物登记表 [wén wù dēnɡ jì biǎo] certificate for the registration of objets d’art
验关 [yàn ɡuān] customs examination
应纳税物品 [yīnɡ nà shuì wù pǐn] dutiable articles
种痘证书 [zhònɡ dòu zhènɡ shū] vaccination certificate





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