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单词 man
释义 man1 /maen; maen/ n (pl men) /men; men/ 1 adult male human being. 男人; 男子。 one's man of business, one's agent or solicitor. 某人的经纪人或律师。 a man of letters, a writer and scholar. 作亲; 文学家; 文人。 a man about town, one who spends much time in society, in clubs, at parties, theatres, etc. 到处游乐的人; 交际场中的人物。 a man of the world, one with wide experience of business and society. 饱经世故的人; 熟悉世情的人。 man and boy, from boyhood onwards: 从小: He has worked for the firm, man and boy, for thirty years. 他从小就在这家公司工作,已有三十年之久。 2 human being; person: 人 (包含男女在内): All men must die. 所若人都会死亡 Growing old is something a man has to accept. 变老是人必须接受的事实。 be one's own man. be free to act or do as one pleases; be in full possession of one's own senses. 独立自主; 随心所欲; 神智健全。 every man for himself (and devil take the hindmost), all must see to their own safety. 争先恐后。 the man in the street, person, looked upon as representing the interests and opinions of ordinary people. 普通人; 一般人; 世人。 to a man: to the last man, all without exception: 毫无例外; 全部: They answered 'Yes' to a man. 他曲全馆答 是二 They were killed to the last man. 福们全被杀死, 一个也不留。 3 (sing only, no article) the human race; all mankind: (仅用单数,不加冠词) 人类; 全人类: Man is mortal. 人都是会死的。 4 husband (usu in man and wife). 丈夫 (通称用于 man and wife 片话中) 。 5 male person under the authority of another; manservant or valet: (男性的) 下属面人; 佣人: masters and men, employers and workers; 主人和仆人; 雇主和雇员; officers and men, eg in the army. 官长和土底。 6 piece used in such games as chess. (西序棋) 一颗棋子。 7 male person having the good qualities associated with men: 男子汉; 大丈夫: Be a man! Play the man! Be brave! 做个大丈夫!要有男子气概! He's only half a man, is lacking in spirit, strength, courage. 他没有男子气概 (他缺少精神、力量、勇气) 。 How can We make a man of him? 我们怎样使他成为男子汉? 8 (as a vocative, to call attention; used in a lively or impatient way) : (作为促使注意的呼跋语; 用于兴奋或不耐烦的情况下): Hurry up, man! 赶快,赶快! Nonsense, man! 胡说八道! 9 (with possessive adj) the person required: (与所有格形容词连用) 所需要的人: If you want to sell your car, I'm your man, I'll make an offer. 假如你要卖你的车子,我就是要买的人。 If you want a good music teacher, here's your man, here's someone suitable. 如果你需要一位良好的音乐敎师,这就是你所需要的人。 1。(as second element in. compounds): (用于复合字中接他字之后): 'clergyman; 'postman; 'fisherman, etc. 敎士; 邮差; 渔夫 (等) 。点 App 3. 参看附录三。 11 (compounds) (复合字) .man-at-arms n soldier, esp (in the Middle Ages) a mounted soldier with heavy armour and weapons. 士兵 (尤指中古时代的重骑兵) 。 'man-eater n cannibal; man-eating tiger or shark. 吃人的野蛮人; 吃人的多虎或莺鱼。 'manhandle vt move by physical strength; handle roughly: 由人力操作; 粗野地对付: The drunken man was manhandled by the police. 醉汉被警察以强硬手段制服了。 'man-hole n opening (usu with a lid) through which a man may enter (an underground sewer, boiler, tank, etc) for inspection purposes. 出入口; 人孔 (通常有孔盖,供工人进入检査或修理用,如下水道、锅炉、槽柜等所设置者) 。 'man-hour n work done by one man in one hour. 工作时 (一个人一小时的工作量:) 。 (man-of-'war n (old use) armed ship belonging to a country's navy. (旧用法) 军舰; 战斗舰。 'manpower n number of men available for military service, industrial needs, etc: . 人力 (可供军事、工业等使用的人数): a shortage of manpower in the coal-mines. 煤馔坑里缺少人力 (人工) 。 'man-servant n male servant. 男仆; 男佣人。 'man-sized adj of a size or type right for a man; large-scale: 大小适合男人耐; 大的; 大规模的: a man-sized beefsteak. 大块牛排。 'manslaughter n [U] act of killing a human being unlawfully but not wilfully. 杀人; 误杀 (非法但非故意的杀人); 过失杀人。 'man-trap n trap for catching trespassers, poachers, etc. 捕人的陷阱 (用以捕捉侵入私宅,偸猎等之人者) 。




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