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Ⅰ ❶ (优美的语言;文辞;言辞) diction;phraseology: 修 ~ rhetoric
❷ (古典文学的一种体裁) a type of classical Chinese literature: 《楚 ~》 The Songs of Chu
❸ (古体诗一种) a form of classical poetry: 《木兰~》 The Ballad of Mulan Ⅱ ❶ (告别) take leave: 不 ~ 而别 leave without saying good-bye;
告 ~ take one's leave
❷ (推辞;辞谢) decline: 固 ~ firmly decline
❸ (辞职) resign: 他们打算 ~ 去委员会中的职务。They are intending to resign from the committee.
❹ (辞退;解雇) dismiss;discharge: 他因玩忽职守被 ~ 了。He was dismissed for neglect of his duty.
❺ (躲避;推托) evade;shirk: 不 ~ 劳苦 spare no effort;take pains
◆辞别 bid farewell;say good-bye;take one's leave;
辞呈 (written) resignation;
辞[词]典 dictionary;
辞[词]典学 lexicography;
辞赋 a literary form,sentimental or descriptive composition,often rhymed;
辞旧迎新 ring out the Old Year and ring in the New Year;
辞灵 bow to the coffin before leaving;
辞令 language appropriate to the occasion;
辞聘 discharge an appointment;
辞让 politely decline;
辞色 [书] one's speech and facial expression;
辞世 [书] pass away;
辞书 dictionary;lexicographical work (e.g. wordbook,etc.);
辞岁 bid farewell to the outgoing year;celebrate the lunar New Year's Eve;
辞退 dismiss;discharge;turn away;lay off;
辞谢 politely decline;reject with thanks;decline with thanks;
辞行 say good-bye (to one's friends,etc.) before setting out on a journey;take one's leave;
辞行告别 take leave of and bid farewell to ...;
辞严义正 severity in speech and fairness in principle — as the utterance of an upright person;
辞[词]藻 flowery language;rhetoric;ornate diction;
辞[词]章 poetry and prose;prose and verse;art of writing;rhetoric;
辞职 resign;quit office;hand in one's resignation


a type of classical Chinese literature





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