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单词 blank
blank/blæ ŋk/ adj [-er/-est]; n

adj (1) 空白的 (not having any writing print or other marks on it):a~page/film 空页/胶卷;a~piece of paper一张空白纸;This paper is completely~.这纸毫无墨迹。in the~space 在空白处; a~form/check空白表格/支票;a~wall一堵空墙(即无门、窗、画等);〖同〗 vacant,empty,clear,unmarked;〖反〗marked,full;

(2) 无表情的,不解的,茫然的 (not showing any expressionunderstanding or interest;empty):a~expression/look/gaze/stare漠然的表情/毫无表情的目光/木然注视/茫然凝视; He looked~.他目光茫然。Her face was/went completely~.她的脸上毫无/变得毫无表情。(question) draw~looks (问题)使人茫然不知所答;give sb a~look 茫然地看某人一眼;Suddenly my mind went~. 突然我脑子里一片空白。a~mind 混沌一片的脑子;The movie screen went~.电影屏幕上全无了影像。His future looks~.他的前途渺茫。Everyday seemed~and meaningless.每天过得似乎混混沌沌,毫无意义。〖同〗 expressionless,uninterested,vacant,empty;〖反〗 thoughtful,interested,meaningful;

(3) 完全的,绝对的 (complete; absolute)[作attrib]:a~denial/refusal 断然否认/拒绝;

→′blankly adv 无表情(兴趣)地;′blankness n 漠(茫)然;

n (1) 空白(处,格) (empty space left to be filled (with answers a signature etc))[C]:fill in the~s填空; leave a~留着空(不写);Write your name in the~. 把你的名字写在空白处。〖同〗space,gap;

(2) 空白表(格) (printed document or form with empty spaces to be filled in) [C]:complete/fill in/fill out a~填完/填/填一张表;an application~申请表;a pad of order~s 一沓空白订单;

(3) 空白(虚)(condition of being empty) [C]:His mind/memory was a complete~.他的脑子/记忆一片空白。His future was a complete~.他前途渺茫。His mind was a complete~on the subject. 在这方面他脑子一空如洗。a~in one's memory 记忆中一片空白;There was a~on the wall after we took down the picture.我们取下那幅画后,墙上留出一片空白。〖同〗emptiness,hollowness;

(4) 无弹头的弹筒 (tube or case that contains an explosive but no bullet)[C](=blank cartridge):The soldier/gun fired a~.那士兵打了空枪/那枪空响了一下。

【辨异】blankemptyvacant都意为“空的”。blank指表面上无记印等;empty(空的,内中无物的)指里面没有通常应有的东西,如:The box/house is empty.(这盒子/房子里空空如也。) vacant (空的,未被占用的)指暂时未被占用,如:a vacant chair/house (没人坐的椅子/没人住的房子)。





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