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单词 account
account/ ə′kɑʊnt/ n & v [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n (1)记(叙)述,报导(告)(written or spoken description of)[C]:give (keep/write) a full~of an accident/one's daily activities/sb's adventures/what happened 详细报告(记叙/写下)一次事故/自己每天的活动/某人的冒险经历/发生的事情;Do you believe the newspaper~? 你相信报纸的报道吗?It is,by/from alls,a beautiful place.据说,那是一个美丽的地方。by sb's own~据某人亲口所说;〖同〗description,report,record,narration,statement;

(2)重要性,价值(importance;worth;value)[U](fml):(man/letter) be of great/some/little/no~(人/信)很/有点/几乎不/不重要;People of this sort may be of no~socially.这种人对社会来说无足轻重。things of no~无关紧要的事情;〖同〗importance,worth,value,merit;

(3)考虑(consideration;judgement;thought)[U]:take one's age/one's illness into~考虑到自己的年龄/病;take everything into~in solving a problem 解决问题时考虑到所有的因素;take much/no~of the fact 充分/不考虑事实;leave sb's foolish remarks out of~不考虑某人的愚蠢意见;In his~it was an excellent piece of work.照他看,这工作干得很不错。

(4)利益,好处(advantage;profit)[U]:put(turn)one's knowledge/one's experience/one's money to good~充分利用知识/经验/钱;work on one's own~为自己的利益工作;do sth on one's own~做某事自己负责;

(5)账(目)(record or statement of money paid or owned)[C](缩写a/c):keep/cast/settle/close/balance~s计/算/结/结/清账;My wife handles our household~s.我妻子掌管我家的账。submit~s of one's expenditure 提交开支账;Send me an~! 把账给我送来! render on/send in~开出账单/送报账;The~s were perfectly in order/show a profit of £1000.账目一清二楚/账上有1000英镑的赢利。settle one's/an~with sb 找某人算账;square one's~(square~s with sb)和某人算清账; give money/buy sth/do one's shopping on~预付/赊购/赊购;add the cost of sth to sb's~把……的费用记在某人账上;a charge(AmE)/credit(BrE)~信任(赊欠)账户;~book 账本;

(6)账户(arrangement by which a person keeps his money in a bank)[C](缩写a/c):have/open an~at (with) a bank 在一银行立有账户/开账户;open/close an~in one's name 开/销一个自己名字的账户;pay money into/draw money out of an~存入/取出钱;charge sth to one's~记(入)自己账(户);have £100 in one's~银行账户上存有100英镑;current/deposit/savings~活期/定期/储蓄存款账户;joint~(两人以上)共同账户;My~is empty/overdrawn.我的户头取空/透支了。

(7)原因(reason;basis;consideration)[U]:Don't stay away on John's~(on~of John).不要因为约翰而躲开。Don't worry on his~.不要因为他而发愁。stay indoors onofbad weather 因为天气不好而闭门不出;He is angry on this/that ~.他因为这/那而生气。It must on no~(not on any~) be mentioned to anyone.切莫跟任何人提这事。〖同〗reason,cause,consideration;

give a good/poor/bad account of oneself 表现好/不好/不好:(fireman) give a splendid~of himself in the action(消防队员)在救火中表现棒极了;(player) give a fine~of himself in the match(选手)在比赛中表现极佳;

bring/call sb to account for 让某人解释……;责问:be called to~for failing to finish the job/one's ridiculous behaviour让解释没完成工作的原因/自己的荒谬行为;

→ ac′countant n 会计员;ac′countancy n 会(簿)记;

v (1)解释,说明(give a reason for; explain)[I+prep(to,for)]:~(to sb) for one's mistakes/one's actions/one's absence(向某人)解释错误/行为/缺席(的原因);There's no~ing for taste.(prov)人们的好恶是无法解释清楚的。Nobody can~for the strange happening/the disappearance of the money.谁也无法解释这些怪事/钱是怎么没的。

(2)报账(provide a satisfactory report on (moneygoodsetc in one's care))[I+prep(to,for)]:have to~to one's husband for all the money/every penny one spends得向丈夫报告一切花销/花掉的每一便士;

(3)引起(cause)[I+prep(for)]:The illness~ed for his absence.(His absence was~ed for by his illness.)他因病缺席。Carelessness/Reckless driving~ed for the accident.粗心/卤莽驾驶造成了这起事故。

(4)认为(regard as; consider)[C+n+n/adj/-ed/to-inf]:~sb a wise man/lucky /(to be) innocent 认为某人是个聪明人/幸运/无罪;~oneself well paid for one's trouble 觉得自己所受的苦恼得到了足够的补偿;〖同〗count,regard,consider,deem,hold,estimate;

(5)消灭,解决(kill; destroy; settle)[I+prep(for)](infml):~for numbers of the enemy bombers/enemy/attackers 消灭了许许多多敌人的轰炸机/敌人/袭击者;

→ ac′countable adj 对……应加以解释的;负有责任的;unac′countable adj 对……不应加以解释的;不负有责任的;ac′counting n 会计(学)





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