Ⅰ ❶ (辣) hot (in taste, flavour, etc.); pungent
❷ (辛苦) hard; laborious: 艰 ~ hardships
❸ (痛苦) suffering; ~ 酸 sad; bitter Ⅱ ❶ (天干的第八位) the eighth of the ten Heavenly Stems
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 弃疾 Xin Qiji
◆辛胺 octylame; octylamine; 辛醋酸酯 octoacetate; 辛亥革命 the Revolution of 1911 (the Chinese bourgeois democratic revolution led by Dr, Sun Yat-sen which overthrew the Qing Dynasty); 辛可芬 quinophan; cinchophen; atophan; 2-phenyl-cinchonic acid; 辛可卡因 cinchocaine; sovcaine; 辛可尼毒素 cinchotoxine; cinchonicine; 辛苦 hard; toilsome; laborious; work hard; go to great trouble; go through hardships; 辛辣 pungent; hot; acridity; bite; acid; acor; acrid; bitter; 辛劳 pains; toil; 辛凉解表 {中医} relieving the exterior syndrome with drugs pungent in flavor and cool in property; cold-pungent diaphoresis; 辛凉清气 removing heat from qi system with drugs pungent in flavor and cool in property; 辛廖 a surname; 辛勤 industrious; hardworking; with one's shoulder to the collar; 辛酸 sad; bitter; miserable; {化} octoic acid; octanoic acid; caprylic acid; 辛糖 octose; 辛酮糖 octulose; 辛温解表 {中医} relieving the exterior syndrome with drugs pungent in flavor and worm in property; 辛香料 spice; flavor; 辛辛苦苦 toil and moil; take a lot of trouble; take great pains; with so much toil; work laboriously; 辛乙酸酯 octoacetate; 辛垣 a surname
the eighth of the ten Heavenly Stems