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单词 辙乱旗靡

辙乱旗靡zhé luàn qí mǐ

crisscross chariot tracks and drooping banners—signs of an army in headlong flight
❍ 夫大国难测也,惧有伏焉。吾视其辙乱,望其旗靡,故逐之。(《左传·庄十年》) It is difficult to fathom the moves of a great state,and I feared an ambush.But when I examined the enemy’s wheel-tracks and found them crisscrossing and looked after and saw his banners drooping,I advised pursuit.
❍ 文中指出了战前的政治准备——取信于民,叙述了利于转入进攻的阵地——长勺,叙述了利于开始反攻的时机——彼竭我盈之时,叙述了追击开始的时机——~之时。(《毛泽东选集》 188)The story speaks of the political preparations before a battle—winning the confidence of the people ; it speaks of a battlefield favourable for switching over to the counter-offensive—Changshao; it indicates the favourable time for starting the counter-offensive—when the enemy’s courage is running out and one’s own is high; and it points to the moment for starting the pursuit—when the enemy’s tracks are crisscrossed and his banners are drooping.

辙乱旗靡zhe luan qi mi

crisscross chariot tracks and drooping banners (said of an army in headlong flight)

辙乱旗靡zhé luàn qí mí

辙:车轮轧的痕迹;靡:倒下。车辙错乱,战旗倒下。形容军队溃败时的情形。signs of an army in headlong flight, crisscross chariot tracks and drooping banners, be defeated and dispersed





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