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单词 轻而易举

轻而易举qīng ér yì jǔ

a light and easy job; as easy as ABC (/falling/pie/rolling a log/rolling off/shelling peas); a soft snap; be able to do it hands down (/on one’s head); be easy to handle (/do/undertake); with remarkable ease; without making an effort without the slightest difficulty; without striking a blow
❍ 如果能用死轿夫,如袁中郎或“晚二十家”之流来抬,再请一名位名人喝道,自然较为~,但看过去的成绩和效验,可也并不见佳。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—173)It would be easier if one could employ dead chair bearers like Yuan Hongtao of the Ming Dynasty or the Twenty Famous Writers of the Late Ming Dynasty,also getting some living celebrity to clear your way. And yet,judging by past achievements and results,this is not too successful either.
❍ 建立这种根据地,不是~的事,必须经过艰苦奋斗。(《毛泽东选集》1075) To build such base areas is no easy job; it requires hard and bitter struggle.
❍ 终于,旧中国小市镇庸俗、低级、灰色的生活环境,~地损毁了这个幼小的灵魂! (柳青《创业史》377) It wasn’t very difficult for the vulgar,low,drab environment of this small Chinese town in the old society to corrupt her tender young soul.
❍ 这最是~的呀,但效果却非常之大;……(叶圣陶《倪焕之》112) It was simple,nothing to it,yet it produced an enormous effect; …


easy to do;come easy to sb
决非~之事。It is definitely no easy job.

轻而易举qīnɡ ér yì jǔ

举:向上托。形容做事非常容易,一点也不费力气。easy to do, hands down, with one hand tied behind one’s back, with remarkable ease, as ease as ABC, no sweat





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