释义 |
轻(輕)qīnɡⅠ ❶ (重量小; 比重小) light: 身 ~ 如燕 light as a swallow; 油比水 ~。 Oil is lighter than water. 这箱子 ~ 得出人意外。 The suitcase is surprisingly light. ❷ (数量少; 程度浅) small in number, degree, etc.: 年纪很 ~ be very young; 伤得不 ~ be seriously wounded; 他的病很 ~。 His illness is not at all serious. ❸ (不重要) not important: 责任 ~ carry a light responsibility; 关系不 ~ have an important bearing on ❹ (轻松) light; relaxed: ~ 音乐 light music Ⅱ ❶ (用力不大、不猛) gently; softly; lightly: ~ 拿 ~ 放 handle with care; handle gently; 病人睡着了, ~ 点儿! Be quiet! The patient is asleep. 树枝在风中 ~ ~ 摇动。 Branches sway gently in the wind. ❷ (轻率) rashly: ~ 信 readily believe Ⅲ (轻视) belittle; make light of: 掉以 ~ 心 take sth. lightly; 文人相 ~。 Scholars tend to scorn each other. ◆轻磅纸 {纸} lightweight paper; featherweight paper; 轻便 light; portable; handy; 轻波 {船} light sea; 轻薄 given to philandering; frivolous; 轻财重义 make light of wealth and love to be righteous; prize righteousness and benevolence above wealth; regard money lightly and be enthusiastic over a public cause; 轻车简从 travel with light luggage and few attendants; arrive without pomp; 轻车熟路 (drive in) a light carriage on a familiar road; a light cart and a familiar road — to make easy progress from experience; as facile as traveling along a familiar road in a light carriage; (do) sth. one knows well and can manage with ease; 轻淡 mild; thin; light; 轻敌 take the enemy lightly; underestimate the enemy; 轻吊 dink spike; soft spike; 轻度 mild; 轻而易举 be an easy job to...; as easy as ABC; can be done in a slipshod way; can be easily done; come easy [natural] to one; easy to accomplish; easy to undertake [handle]; in a breeze; in one's stride; with the greatest of ease; 轻纺产品 textiles and other light industrial goods; 轻放 put down gently; 轻粉 calomel; mercurous chloride; 轻风 {气} breeze; light breeze (二级风); light air; 轻风拂面 The gentle breeze brushes against one's face.; 轻浮 frivolous; flippant; flighty; light; 轻辅音 {语} voiceless consonant; 轻歌剧 light opera; 轻歌曼舞 sing merrily and dance gracefully; elegant songs and refined dancing; sing light songs and dance with rhythmic beauty; soft music and graceful dances; sweet singing and graceful dancing; 轻革 light leather; 轻工市场 market for manufactured goods turned out by light industry; 轻工业 light industry; 轻轨 light rail; light railway; 轻核 {物} light nucleus; light nuclei; 轻合金 light alloy; light metal alloy; 轻活 light work; soft job; 轻机枪 light machine gun; 轻贱 mean and worthless; belittle; 轻捷 spry and light; nimble; 轻金属 light metal; 轻举妄动 act rashly and blindly; a leap in the dark; a rash and unconsidered action; behave lightly; do sth. without careful thought; handle lightly and act blindly; impetuosity; make a move without the most careful thought; rush headlong and treat with unconcern; take reckless [rash] actions; 轻口薄舌 like to say nasty things about people; flippant; 轻扣 dink spike; soft spike; 轻快 light-footed; brisk; spry; relaxed; lively; 轻狂 extremely frivolous; 轻浪 slight sea; 轻量 light weight; 轻慢 treat sb. without proper respect; slight; 轻描淡写 touch on lightly; adumbrate; a light sketch and simple writing; be said as if by the way; describe with a delicate touch; dismiss lightly; have a light touch; make light of; mention casually; mild comments; no exaggeration; play down; touch on the matter lightly; 轻蔑 scornful; disdainful; contemptuous; despising; cock [cut; make] snooks [a snook] at; 轻炮兵 light artillery; 轻飘 light; buoyant; 轻飘飘 light; buoyant; light as a feather; 轻骑 motorbike; moped; 轻骑兵 light cavalry; 轻巧 light and handy; deft; dexterous; easy; simple; 轻轻 lightly; gently; softly; 轻裘肥马 soft [light] fur and well-fed horses — luxurious living; 轻取 beat easily; gain an easy victory; carry off [away] easily; win hands down; 轻柔 soft; gentle; 轻如飞燕 light as a swallow on the wing; 轻如鸿毛 be as light as a feather [thistledown]; 轻纱 fine gauze; 轻伤 slight wound; minor wound; flesh wound; 轻商 look down upon engaging in business; 轻声 in a soft voice; softly; {语} light tone, unstressed syllable pronounced without its original pitch in Chinese pronunciation; 轻生 make light of one's life — commit suicide; 轻视 despise; look down on; set sth. at naught; set down; set little [light] by underestimate; make light of; take things lightly; 轻视傲慢 contempt and pride; dispise and be haughty; 轻手轻脚 (move) cautiously without any noise; softly; gently; 轻率 rash; hasty; indiscreet; 轻水 {核} light water; 轻松 light; relaxed; 轻松自如 free and relaxed; 轻松自在 happy and unrestrained; comfortable; 轻瘫 {医} paresis; 轻佻 frivolous; skittish; coquettish; giddy; 轻微 light; slight; trifling; to a small extent; 轻武器 light arms; light weapon; small arms; 轻侮 scorn; 轻喜剧 light comedy; 轻闲 at leisure; 轻信 be credulous; take for grant ̄ed; believe easily; readily place trust in; readily believe; 轻型 light-duty; light-weight; light; 轻言细语 speak in a mild tone; say sth. under one's breath; talk in a soft voice; 轻飑 flutter; stream; 轻易 easily; readily; lightly; rashly; 轻易取胜 walk away [off] with; a field day; home free; win hands down; win in a walk [breeze]; 轻音乐 light music; live music; 轻盈 slim and graceful; lithe; lissom; 轻油 tops; light oil; naphtha; 轻于鸿毛 lighter than a goose feather; (as) light as a feather; 轻元音 light vowel; 轻重 weight; degree of seriousness;relative importance; propriety; 轻重倒置 put the trivial above the important; put the cart before the horse; put the incidental before the fundamental; place the unimportant before the important; reverse the order of importance; think the sauce is better than the fish; lack a sense of proportion; 轻重缓急 order of priority; relative importance or urgency; the important and the less important, the urgent and the less urgent; order of importance and emergency; 轻重量级 {举重} light heavyweight; 轻舟 skiff; wherry; caique; canoe; 轻装 light; with light packs; 轻装简从 (travel) with little luggage and few attendants — travel light; travel with light packs and few attendants; 轻装上阵 go to the battle-front without any burden; go into battle with a light pack; join in the struggle without any burdens; go forward with one's burdens discarded; 轻妆淡抹 have a simple makeup; 轻嘴薄舌 speak impolitely; 轻罪 {律} misdemeanor; minor offense; minor crime; 轻罪重罚 break a fly upon the wheel; deal with a minor offense as if it were a major one; overpunishment |