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单词 软弱无能

软弱无能ruǎn ruò wú néng

be useless and cowardly effete; flabby and impotent; weak and incompetent;ineffectual; invertebrate
❍ 不想荣国府内有一个极不成材破烂酒头厨子,名叫多官儿,因他懦弱无能,人都叫他作“多浑虫”。(《红楼梦》245) Now in the Rong Mansion was a rascally drunkard of a cook by the name of Duo Guan,a man so useless and cowardly that he was commonly known as the Muddy Worm.
❍ 我们应当在自己内部肃清一切~的思想。一切过高地估计敌人力量和过低估计人民力量的观点,都是错误的。(《毛泽东选集》1156) We should rid our ranks of all impotent thinking. All views that overestimate the strength of the enemy and underestimate the strength of the people are wrong.
❍ 到今天,我才真正地认识你是这样一个~的人!(吴强《红日》517) Today I’m finally seeing how weak and feeble you really are!/我不能走那一条路,我天生成~,没有本事。(梁斌《红旗谱》395)I can’t take that way—I was born too weak and helpless.
❍ 在农业合作化问题上,党的农村支部处在这样一种~状态的,现在在全国还是不少的。(《中国农村的社会主义高潮》174) In the whole country,there are quite a few rural Party branches which are weak and incompetent on the question of agricultural co-ope ration.

软弱无能ruǎn ruò wú nénɡ

形容人十分懦弱,能力差。weak and incompetent, effete, feeble and incapable





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